Google Productivity Pad: The Todo List Quest: The Spreadsheet Comparison of Todo List Apps

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Todo List Quest: The Spreadsheet Comparison of Todo List Apps

I have always known that there are a LOT of todo list apps on the market. I have no idea how many but even among the top ones it can be hard to get a sense of how they compare to each other. So, in order to make comparison of todo list apps easier I have created the spreadsheet below.

As you can see I list the criteria I am looking for across the top and the apps I am looking at down the side. I then list the details in the corresponding sales. A Y means yes and an N means no. The $ sign means that a feature is paid.

I am hoping that this chart will be helpful to others. I know that not everyone is looking for the same features as me, but I think this will give you a good idea of what's what. I should also clarify that I am not against anyone charging for their apps, I understand that developers have to make money, I just prefer to look for free, or at least non-SaaS solutions if I can find them.

Note: some of the items are factual (like whether it works offline or not) and some are subjective to my opinion (like how GTD ready it is and how nice the UI is) these I have a rated on a 10/10 opinion scale.

Note2: This is a work in progress, some apps listed have not been evaluated yet, and more apps will be added as I go along.

If you want to view in Google Drive click here

If you know of anything on here that is inaccurate please let me know in the comments below, or tweet me @halduauthor. Also let me know if there are any apps you would like to see on here.

Thanks much, and I hope this helps us to live better.

This has been a post in the ToDo List Quest, if you would like to read the other article please click here.

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